8 Best Everyday Pouch Carries - EDC Weekly

8 Best Everyday Pouch Carries - EDC Weekly

Due to the explosive popularity of tiny EDC pouches and ranger eyes (REs), it only felt obvious to dedicate an EDC Weekly to pouch carries. Below, you’ll find some of the spiciest pouch carries from the community, from Maxpedition pouches that would make MacGyver proud to the elusive Mighty Pouch by Garage Built Gear, packed to the brim with all sorts of pocket trash…

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This Micro EDC Fits in an Altoids Tin

This Micro EDC Fits in an Altoids Tin

Everyday Carry is typically about carrying the core essentials. From time to time, that gets conflated into carrying a bunch of excessive, overbuilt gear that weighs on the pockets and is sometimes useless. There’s nothing inherently wrong with carrying things…

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