Mighty Titanium Everyday Carry - Orlando Fillip (@stormtrooper_stelvio)

Mighty Titanium Everyday Carry - Orlando Fillip (@stormtrooper_stelvio)

It feels very rewarding when your EDC has found its exact place, and everything is given the proper time to shine. Orlando (@stormtrooper_stelvio) has reached such peak. Don’t worry Orlando, we all want to call it loot. At least a little bit.

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ZeroHour APEX BOLT: The write anywhere bolt-action pen that's also a screwdriver

ZeroHour APEX BOLT: The write anywhere bolt-action pen that's also a screwdriver

If you've been looking to up your EDC game with a fancy new pen, the ZeroHour APEX BOLT might be the pen you've been waiting for. As the name suggests, it's a bolt-action pen. And like most other tactical pens, it features a ceramic glass breaker on the butt of the pen. But there's more to it than that.

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